The WiPPL facility is composed of several experimental devices, including the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST), the Big Red Ball (BRB) (and its prototype, the Plasma Couette Experiment (PCX)). Each device is outfitted with many diagnostics and engineering control systems. Data generated during plasma operations come from diagnostics, analysis codes, and engineering systems.
Data Acquisition, Storage, Archival, and Retention Policy
Data from WiPPL device diagnostics are acquired using the MDSplus system ( developed by the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT. Digitized data, whether from CAMAC-based, D-TACQ-based, or other A/D converters, is stored in the database for each pulse (shot). Processed data is written to the same database. Exceptions are made for some diagnostic and video data where they are too large for efficient and cost-effective storage. In these cases subsets of the data that includes all the relevant information are stored and archived.
An electronic logbook is used to record characteristic and parameter data along with experimenter and operator notes. These are stored for each shot in an easily searchable web-based SQL database. Environmental data such as temperatures and pressures are collected throughout the day and stored as time sequences as well. Some engineering parameters such as programmable logic controller (PLC) and IGBT switching-power-supply data are stored on local computers. Future plans include incorporating these engineering data into the MDSplus structure.
The MDSplus data files are archived daily. The electronic logbook is backed up daily. Codes for accessing and processing data are located on the main data server. These codes and other files are backed up monthly. Individual computers and desktop computer user accounts are backed up daily. A Wiki-based information server is available to all staff and collaborators for general notes, instructions, and documentation of some codes. This site is backed up daily. All of the data described above are backed up onto tapes and stored in fireproof safes on site. Duplicate copies of the MDSplus data are stored off site on campus, also in a fireproof safe. All backups will be retained for at least the duration of the life of each of the major devices operated by WiPPL.
Data Access and Sharing
All persons associated with WiPPL who work on-site have full access to device data and analysis tools. The WiPPL program has a long history of sharing data with collaborators, both in the international laboratory-plasma community and outside, such as the astrophysical community. Any interested person who has legitimate intentions for analysis of WiPPL data may be accommodated. Typically user access is granted to firewall-protected servers and computers using trusted-user protocols and data access tools. All data are available from a variety of computer platforms along with a large variety of access and analysis tools. External collaborators also have direct access to view and contribute to the Electronic Logbook and Wiki. Interested parties may also request access to WiPPL data through a separate secure sever along with a set of basic tools for accessing the data. Users and collaborators are welcome and expected to use WiPPL data for their own research, but they are expected to comply with the following:
- Learn and master the necessary tools to access data on the WiPPL devices
- Communicate with WiPPL staff, other users, and collaborators to interpret data properly
- Share drafts of publications and talks prior to their submission or presentation
- Have final-draft manuscripts reviewed by several non-authors from the WiPPL team and User Group
- Have a local Data Management Plan consistent with Office of Science policy for any WiPPL-related data and analysis that is not provided by this Data Management Plan. Persons wishing access to WiPPL data for research purposes should contact the Principal Investigator (PI) for approval and further instruction.
- Acknowledge the WiPPL team and users in publications and presentations. Publications and presentations should also include the following acknowledgment:
For work conducted on BRB
The experiments were conducted at the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory (WiPPL), a research facility supported by the DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences under contract DE-SC0018266 with major facility instrumentation developed with support from the National Science Foundation under award PHY 0923258.
For work conducted on MST
The experiments were conducted at the Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory (WiPPL), a research facility supported by the DOE Office of Fusion Energy Sciences under contract DE-SC0018266 with major facility instrumentation developed with support from the National Science Foundation under award PHY 1828159.
Publication of Digital Data
Publications, including papers, posters, and talks, that result from this project are made available to the public via a UW-Madison Physics Department website.
It is expected that all first-authors will fulfill Federal requirements for providing public access to the results of funded research. The BuckySubmit service at UW-Madison is available to fulfill these obligations for the different federal agencies.
Digitally readable data used to create figures and tables in any publication will be provided to the public and archived. The first choice for archiving of such data will be the supplementary material option provided by publishers. If a particular journal or publisher does not accept supplementary data, such data will be placed on the Physics Department website noted immediately above. In addition to PDF or other easily readable formats, the data used to create figures and tables will also be stored in a clear ASCII, HDF5, or similar open source format with appropriate descriptors. First authors will be expected to assemble the necessary data in consultation with technical staff.